Sunday, January 27, 2013



Femme, Fleur, déesse, Amour,

... Mots de tendresse, Mots du COEUR,

UNion Divine, Fleur épanouie,

Chants de l'Âme, Fusion Divine

Dans la douceur de tes vibrations

J'aime me lover

Ressentir tes énergies, tes caresses

De coeur à coeur invisibles

Rempli mon âme de Bonheur

Mon Amour, notre Amour est immortel

Pour l'Eternité, nous sommes UNifiées

Une si longue absence nous a séparées

De notre ORiginité primordiale

Il fut un temps des saisons, des néons

Notre JE SUIS Suprême,

En deux fut séparé,

Vint sur Terre pour vivre l'individualité.

Englobés dans la grise matière pendant des siècles

Perdues de vue, de vies en vies,

Cherchant sans répit, l'absence de l'autre,

Que notre Coeur ressentait.

Combler la séparatioin par l'imagination,

UN sublime cadeau, d'Ascension.

Nos âmes se sont retrouvées,

Loin des dualités humaines,

Purifiant nos coeurs, de tous les miasmes et croyances,

Fondre l'un dans l'autre, vivre dans l'Amour

Dans le bonheur de notre Âme UNifiée

De nouveau, nous sommes le couple solaire

Ayant transcendé dans l'Amour.

Ne faisant qu'UN dans le Coeur de l'ETERNEL,

Universelles, Immortelles, nous sommes

Vidéo création et poème : "Edite AvAnarah Israël"

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I have been inspired lately and chose to create a whole new bunch of Fractal Hearts, a passion of mine I developed over the years. Up until now. they have been sitting in a folder on my computer and I think it is too bad! I would now like to show them to the world and distribute them to those who are interested.

So, if you are looking for an original, unique and beautiful Valentine card to send your loved ones, please write me an e-mail and I will offer you a choice of designs. I can also personalize your Valentine card and send you the artwork ready to be printed, or I can print it for you.

Artwork only (with your text)                                              Unit price:  $7.00
Personalized (with your text)

- Note cards 4.25" x 5.5" -  Folded (ncluding envelope) -    Unit price $10.00
Personalized (with your text)
- Greeting cards 5.5" x 8.5" - Folded (including envelope)    Unit price $18.00

Shipping and Handling: $2.50 per mailing (U.S. delivery Priority Mail)
Shipping for larger orders or foreign countries to be calculated separately

Payment via Paypal

To order, please e-mail to   

Orders to be shipped two or three days after payment has cleared.

More designs on my website: 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

We were here, December 21, 2012

Xochicalco, Mexico

Xochicalco, ( Nahuatl: “In the Place of the Flower House”) fortified ancient city known for its impressive ruins. It is located on the top of a large hill and parts of surrounding hills near Cuernavaca, in Morelos state, Mexico.
Xochicalco was built after the fall of Teotihuacán primarily during the 8th and 9th centuries ad. Its ruins reveal multicultural influence, including Aztec, Zapotec, and Olmec elements. Xochicalco soon became an important trading centre, its strategic location making it an entrepot for goods from the Pacific coast, Puebla, Tlaxcala, and more distant regions. The reason for the city’s decline is a matter of speculation.
Excavations, begun in 1909, have revealed a number of structures, including the so-called Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent (Quetzalcóatl), two ball courts, and a variety of houses and plazas. The Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent displays a number of reliefs—such as plumed serpents and men with elaborate headdresses—indicating strong Mayan influence. Xochicalco was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1999.

We arrived around 5 PM and we had 45 minutes before the site would be closed to visitors.
The golden light from the setting sun made the whole site look like a giant jewel. The air was still and warm.  My two friends and I were the only visitors left and we looked for a suitable place to have our personal ceremony to say good bye to the old 5,125 year-cycle of the Mayan calendar and welcome the Sixth Sun.

My friend K found an old well which we would use as the place for our sacred ceremony. We went into meditation and I felt a bolt of energy entering my body. It was exhilarating and a deep feeling of joy came over me. It continued for a long time after we had opened our eyes and held hands which, for me, meant: “Thank you God for allowing us to be here, now. We are blessed”.

After our private ceremony, we continued walking among the ruins, until my friend K and I reached a place which I know now was a ball court. Here is a description (from two different sources) of the game which was played here:

“It is not certainly known how this Maya ball game was played but according to the most widespread version of it, the goal of the game was to pass the ball through one of the rings without touching it, the players needed to strike the ball with their hips. They used a solid rubber ball about 20 inches in diameter and weighed up to 4 kg (9 lbs) or more. It was extremely difficult to get the ball through a ring. In fact, when a player could achieve it, it was then the end of the game. The game ended otherwise when the ball touched the ground.”

 “Every sacred centre had an elaborate ‘ball court’ where a ritual game was played. Until recently the game, although presumed to have ritual meaning, was a mystery. With the new research, however, it seems clear that the game was likely played annually in an enactment of the major cosmic event that was to come, not in their time, but a future time which is now.”

The rings, which are usually up on the walls of the ball court, were sitting on the ground:

To me this was a very significant moment, because this game re-enacted the conjunction of the Sun with the Galactic Center which happened on this very day, the 21st of December 2012. It was a confirmation that the cycle of 5.125 years ended, as predicted, and a new cycle was just beginning. It was a synchronicity which gave an answer to a question many had asked:
Is 12/21/12 the exact date of the end of the Mayan Calendar? To me it was clear that finding this artifact on that day, the answer was YES.

On a more personal basis, this finding was also very important, since what one does at the beginning of a new cycle sets the stage for the rest of one’s destiny.

 I don’t think we will be doing this for the next 5,125 years!!

Our trip to Mexico was for me a wonderful adventure, full of surprises and discoveries of how wonderful and mystical this country really is. I hope to go back as soon as possible, but before I do, I have to learn Spanish so as to better understand the soul of the country.

Hasta la vista Mexico!!