Tuesday, December 31, 2013


May this year 2014 be the best so far
for all on Planet Earth!

Thursday, October 17, 2013


I have faith!

I have faith in the victory of love over any kind of obstacle, whether physical or psychological.
I say “faith”, but it is in fact “certainty” that I should call it. Where does it come from? From deep inside my heart and soul. I know this love is real, tangible, alive, eternal. It existed before we were born to this world. It started at the dawn of time, when we were one, and we will become one again. Our soul is longing for this unity and there is nothing that can stop it.

I love you and I know you love me too, despite your resistance to fulfill the aspiration of your soul. We found each other again, after life times of separation. You and I, our “ego” personalities, have nothing to do with this reconnection. Our souls found each other and we have no other choice but to fulfill their desire.
This love transcends our limited individualities, it is God’s love embodied in you and me. I cannot express in words what this means, but I know that this is what God wants from you and me: to reunite and become the light that we once were.
From the depth of my heart and soul, I know this is our destiny and God’s Will.

Lydia Bisanti

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Are You Addicted to Spirituality?

Design by Lydia Bisanti

Mystical Escapism From Reality

Like all types of addiction, spiritual addicts, too tend to go further away from reality and forsake daily responsibilities. They become self obsessed to such an extent that they forget about looking after their near and dear ones. They leave everything to chance and have the ever omnipresent excuse at hand, that things are beyond their control and that everything that's happening or is to happen is meant to be. It's their destiny or karma or will of the universe. They become so immersed in seeking answers from a higher power, that they often forget to look within themselves and never find inner peace. They become increasingly dependent on faith, averse to normality and do not find refuge in themselves.

However, wasn't it spiritualism itself which also claims, that the universe helps only those who help themselves? In which case the only explanation for such callousness and disregard for reality, seems to be the escapism from the sheer truth of our existence.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Not always a dream come true to meet your twin flame!


As more and more twin flame partners are finding each other in this incarnationthey are all finding that the twin flame experience is typically more compelling and more challenging than any otherrelationship before it. In most cases, the “oldrules” that a partner used or relied upon inrelationships with others simply don’t apply to the twin. What we are discovering, however, is that twin flame relationships as a whole are often strikingly similar in patterns, in the timing of their ebbs and flows, as well as in their dynamics.  Listed below are some common challenges thattwin flames often encounter, as well as tips to help navigate.
  • Challenge: Despite a strong, mutual connection and familiar “fit” of energies, one of the twin partners “runs” from the relationship. He or she may simply disappear or may try to set rigid boundaries for the relationship such as labeling it “just friends,” “just colleagues,” or “just another soul family/soul contractconnection.”
  • Reason: Usually the partner who runs is more hindered by fear and steeped in overanalyzed “logic.” After all, trusting the heart instead of the analytical mind is scary and something we have been socialized not to do. The partner who runs fears being vulnerable and fears the power and potential of a twin flame connection. He or she may even temporarily stay in a lower vibration or unsatisfactory relationship with someone else simply because it is familiar and feels “safer.”
  • Tip: While it may feel frustrating and not genuine to hide the extent of your true feelings and dedication to your twin partner, saying and showing what you really feel will scare the runner even more. The best approach to take– until the partner is truly ready to reunite–is to act nonchalant about the relationship, act happy in general, and be engaged with other people and activities. When you are in contact with your twin or with someone who knows your twin, be kind and cordial, but not clingy or dramatic. The more that you move forward with and enjoy your own life, the more the twin will want to be a part of your life. It will drive your twin crazy to think that you are sharing your light, life, and energies with others and that he or she is missing out.
  • Challenge: It feels amazing to love someone unconditionally and to recognize that someone is the soul’s “missing piece.” The “glimpses” you get of what’s possible for the relationship are amazing. However, it feels horrible and devastating when the partner’s words, actions, or reactions are negative, hypocritical, unjustified, or not a good representation of what you know is inside that person’s heart. You may feel foolish because you love so much and want the relationship so deeply, especially when what you do and feel appears unreciprocated.
  • Reason: The twin flame relationship requires that all necessary lessons, strengthening, and awakening take place before the permanent reunion. The process becomes “karma’s crash course” for you! Part of the “test” that we are given prior to a permanent twin reunion includes whether: we are willing to risk looking and feeling foolish or silly, and still have faith in our own intuition and in our partner anyway; we are willing to love unconditionally, even though the partner may have or exhibit something that is usually a “deal-breaker” for us with anyone else; and we are willing to show patience, perseverance, and strength when we least want to do that.
  • Tip: Keep in mind that if your partner is truly your twin, you have no choice but to reunite sooner or later. The twin partner is your destiny and whatevermiracles need to happen to awaken and reunite you both absolutely will– even if it means that your partner must do a 180 degree turn in his or her perspectives or behavior. Your choices or decisions may affect the timing and ease of your reunion, but the reunion itself is a given and non-negotiable. If you have not yet reconnected permanently with your twin, live your life now as if it will NOT happen, but have confidence and serenity in your heart knowing that it will. By taking this approach, you will move forward in the now and will not be burned out, exhausted, or resentful when your partner does come around and is ready to be the partner that you had hoped, sensed, and envisioned. Expressing yourself through art, energy intentions, journaling, planning, etc. can be a great outlet for the emotions that your partner is not yet ready to hear and receive. When your partner is ready mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, those efforts can then be shared and will be very appreciated!
  • Challenge: While you and your partner may mirror each other in many ways, you seem to be quite unequally divided in certain, very important attributes such as sex drive, spirituality or levels of awakening, financial goals or successes, etc.
  • Reason: Since you are one soul split into two, twin flame partners complement each other. However, they are not always divided equally. Each twin may have very opposite talents or capacities, and one twin may have gotten 70, 80, or 90% of a quality which leaves only 10-30% left for the other to exhibit.
  • Tip: One of the most important lessons in our world is finding balance. As a twin flame couple, you will learn to work together, use each other’s strengths, magnify each other’s gifts, and compromise like never before. The difference is that you won’t be compromising yourself, you’ll be balancing it and completing your experience. So, don’t be discouraged or disappointed if you and your partner seem to have some crucial differences that once again would be “deal-breakers” for you with anyone else. Those differences only reflect how perfectly you fit together as one.
  • Challenge: The twin flame relationship, sometimes even after reuniting, can take so many intense and volatile turns that seem to negatively impact yourstress levels, sanity, and possibly planned events. It can feel ridiculous and embarrassing to be on this crazy roller coaster. You can’t imagine life without your partner, but you can’t imagine living with that uncertainty and drama for the rest of your life either.
  • Reason: If you are part of a twin flame relationship, then you and/or your partner are genetically of higher frequency. As you reunite, your energies get even stronger, which means as individuals and as a couple you will “pick up” thefrequencies of others and the planet more than ever before. So, don’t be surprised if you find yourselves arguing or “inflamed” during times of intense solar flares, earthquakes, alignments, etc. For example, every twin flame couple we know, including ourselves, had very trying discussions or dilemmas during recent, record solar flares—and it’s not the first time that all of these twin relationships have experienced similar patterns without even realizing it! In addition to picking up cosmic events and even the emotional tides of friends and family, twins often find themselves at odds with each other just prior to or during periods of separation from each other– for work, family, or even pleasure. Such arguments or rifts are simply the twins’ defense mechanisms to help createdistance and make the separation feel less daunting. Regardless of how temporary it may be, any separation can hurt twins literally, both physically and mentally. So, creating a little anger or misunderstanding to “alleviate” the painseems to be a common tendency.
  • Tip: Of course, once you realize that the strife you experience may just be a defense mechanism or may not even be yours at all, you and your twin can find more positive ways to vent or even avoid the disruptive energies around you. For the times that you do argue or feel less optimistic, pay attention to the signs andsynchronicities around you which will always guide you back to your destiny, your twin. Numbers, songs, colorsmessagesdreams, and more will be your reminders that any setback with your twin is just an opportunity for personalgrowth and understanding—and that your reunion really is a Divine union meant to move this planet forward. The Universe, your guides, and your own soul forces will make sure that you and your twin come together; sooner or later stay together; help each other; heal each other; and finish your mission as light workers for your world.
Max, the “Healer’s Healer,” is an acclaimed Medical Intuitive, Energy Healer, andPsychic Coach. Max, Lana, and LOC Group (www.locgroup.net) enjoy helping other twin flame couples and people of higher frequency make the most of this humanexperience. Links to their other articles on in5d.com can be found here:http://locgroup.net/Resources.html

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Astrology Classes for Beginners - New York City.


Check my Meetup page for Astrology Classes for Beginners - New York City.

If you live in New York, this is an opportunity to join my group and learn the secrets of this beautiful science!


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Distinction between the Self and the I

Atma in the Center of our Being

The Self is the transcendent and permanent principle of which the human being is but one of the multitude of modifications. However, these modifications do not affect the principle which is the Supreme Principle Himself, non-manifested in the human being, yet his only reality.

In the Vedanta, the Self is called Atma and is the same as Brahma. Atma is said to reside in the center of the human being, near the heart which is considered the seat of intelligence (and not feelings, as it is generally believed). The manifestation of Atma in the individual existence is Jivatma, the living soul, the mirror reflection of Atma. To better understand the distinction between Atma and Jivatma, we will use a familiar image: Picture a car; the car is your body, Jivatma is the driver, therefore, you are Jivatma, and Atma will be sitting next to you, motionless and silent passenger, non-manifested. Atma is the light of a candle which can light up a multitude of other candles. It is the same light while the candles are different lives.

Jivatma, the living soul, is the aspect of Atma which is manifested in every step of the ladder of Universal Existence. Contrary to Atma, Jivatma is affected by these various modifications. This means that each action (karma) of the individual imprints the soul and is going to determine its ability (or inability) to become one with Atma, or reach the final Supreme Identity.

Jivatma received its light from Atma through Buddhi, the pure intellect or supra-conscious. To illustrate this, let’s imagine that Atma is the sun in the sky reflecting its image in a lake. Jivatma will be the trembling image in the lake and Buddhi will be the ray from the sun realizing this reflection.

The “I” is the individual, limited by his “form” (body), mind (reason) and by the particular conditions of his present plane of existence. In the image of the driver used earlier, it is the car (or the vehicle) given to us when we come to this world. It has its own shape, “brand name”, etc.. It can be a “good” car, or a “lemon”, depending on what Jivatma has accumulated before coming to the present plane. The “I” has a character of its own, shaped by geographical, social and historical environment, as well as family heredity which have “programmed” it to respond in a certain way. It has a “mind” of its own, limited, at its best, to rational thinking.

Our psychological characteristics are part of this physical body and will disappear with it after we die.

After entering its new “vehicle”, Jivatma will have to adjust to this new environment and try to “control” it rather than being controlled by it. To make this clearer we will use the image of the horse (the body) and the rider (Jivatma). The rider must tame the horse and guide it where he wants. If he fails, he will get lost an encounter all sorts of accidents and be in danger of never reaching his destination. Thus, the challenge of the soul is to overcome the obstacles represented by the carnal vehicle so that it can use it as a perfect tool for growth. Once you have solved the conflicts between your body and soul, or between your psychological and physical needs and the aspirations of your soul, you are in harmony with yourself, your regenerated “ego” becomes one with your soul. Only then can your brains be used to grasp above-reason concepts and the door is open to higher consciousness.

In addition to the obstacles represented by the new carnal vehicle, Jivatma must also deal with past karmic residues to be worked out during the present incarnation. In fact, the present incarnation is the result of past Karma (or actions) which has determined the kind of challenges to be met.
Lydia Bisanti 
June 12, 2013

Saturday, May 11, 2013

A Gift from the Sun - Le Cadeau du Soleil

Le soleil vous fait un cadeau, il est la lumière qui éclaire l'obscurité. Il enlève le voile de la peur qui se tapit au cœur de chacun d'entre vous.
Acceptez-le tout simplement car vous accédez alors à de nouvelles dimensions d'existences ...inexplicables pour tout ceux qui sont englués dans la densité de 3e dimension.

The Sun is offering you a gift. It is the light that chases darkness. It removes the veil of fear hidden deep in your heart.
Simply accept it and you will access new dimensions of existence inexplicable to those still glued to the density of the third dimension


Thursday, April 04, 2013

Return to the Source

Some of the members of my Family

For the past three weeks I have been immersed in my family’s warmth.  I realized how blessed I am to belong to such a gentle group of people. They “practice” unconditional love naturally because they were born this way and were raised this way, by loving parents who knew what is important in life.

They are no scholars and they are not deeply involved in esoteric teachings, with the exception of one or two, but their soul is pure and devoted to do the best they can with what they have. I am talking about four generations here! Grandparents, parents, children and grandchildren. Most of them have had problems in their lives, with health, losses, financial hardship, professional changes, etc... Yet, they always kept their spirit and the love of their family.

My coming back to the source has revealed to me that these people that I have known all my life and that I was taking for granted, are exceptions in a world where dysfunctional families are the norm. I have seen so many unhappy and unfulfilled people since I left home to live my American adventure! I guess this is due to a culture that “pursues happiness” the wrong way, expecting much more than what life is presenting them with. They forget to be grateful for what they have and blame others for their failures.

I grew up in a very poor and big family, lacking the most basic necessities, but one thing was never missing, and that was the love we had for each other.  We would invent games, make our own toys with pieces of cardboard or wood, help each other and share whatever came our way.  Yesterday, while driving from the town with my sister, we were reminiscing our silly games and we were laughing like children. Yes, we have very fond memories of our deprived childhood, and we grew up to be loving and thankful for everything that life provided us with.

I wanted to pay tribute to this group of people I belong to because they are so unusual in a world that has forgotten the beauty of love, simplicity and candor.

Thank you God for my blessings!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

My bounty is as deep as the sea

My bounty is as deep as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite.

 William Shakespeare

Sunday, March 03, 2013


When the veil of illusion is lifted
Truth will hit you right in the Eye
Like a red round shiny Ball

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Monday, February 11, 2013



I just discovered the OSHO Zen Tarot thanks to a good friend who put it on my desk and I started to play with it, asking questions about my life, my relationships, my spiritual journey and many other things of interest to me.
Almost every time, the card representing me was “0 THE FOOL”, and this is how OSHO describes it:


0. The Fool

A fool is one who goes on trusting; a fool is one who goes on trusting against all his experience. You deceive him, and he trusts you; and you deceive him again, and he trusts you; and you deceive him again, and he trusts you. Then you will say that he is a fool, he does not learn. His trust is tremendous; his trust is so pure that nobody can corrupt it.

Be a fool in the Taoist sense, in the Zen sense. Don´t try to create a wall of knowledge around you. Whatsoever experience comes to you, let it happen, and then go on dropping it. Go on cleaning your mind continuously; go on dying to the past so you remain in the present, herenow, as if just born, just a babe.

In the beginning it is going to be very difficult. The world will start taking advantage of you...let them. They are poor fellows. Even if you are cheated and deceived and robbed, let it happen, because that which is really yours cannot be robbed from you, that which is really yours nobody can steal from you.

And each time you don´t allow situations to corrupt you, that opportunity will become an integration inside. Your soul will become more crystallized.

Moment to moment, and with every step, the Fool leaves the past behind. He carries nothing more than his purity, innocence and trust, symbolized by the white rose in his hand. The pattern on his waistcoat contains the colors of all four elements of the tarot, indicating that he is in harmony with all that surrounds him. His intuition is functioning at its peak. At this moment the Fool has the support of the universe to make this jump into the unknown. Adventures await him in the river of life.

The card indicates that if you trust your intuition right now, your feeling of the 'rightness' of things, you cannot go wrong. Your actions may appear 'foolish' to others, or even to yourself, if you try to analyze them with the rational mind. But the 'zero' place occupied by the Fool is the numberless number where trust and innocence are the guides, not skepticism and past experience.

I thought long and hard. Am I really “the Fool”?.
I remembered what my mother used to tell me when I was a teenager: “Watch out this friend of yours! She is taking advantage of you because you are too gullible”. I did not listen to my mother, thinking that she was paranoid. And I went on being a fool and being deceived, cheated on, lied to, taken advantage of, especially by the men I had relationships with. Very few of my real friends fell in this pattern, with the exception of two or three in all my years.
When I meet someone for the first time my intuition tells me right away whether I can trust this person or not. When the perception is negative, I try to find out more and generally I think that my intuition was wrong because I discovered nice things about this individual that superseded my first impression. I like to give the benefit of the doubt and since I am an optimist, I always think that even in the most despicable character, there still is some good left inside. And I usually try to dig into this “good” and make it come out. Sometimes I am successful, and sometimes I fail. However, this has never discouraged me from trusting in the good in all of us. I am an astrologer, and I can see in a birth chart that not everything is negative; even in the worst person there is a glimmer of light in him or her, and I try to make it come out.
Recently my “gullible instinct” has been put to the test very heavily, giving all and trusting 100% a person who came into my life in early 2012. I followed my intuition without questioning it. My friends think I am crazy, I sometimes think I am crazy, but I keep on doing it. The meaning that OSHO gives to the Fool card applies in this case:

The card indicates that if you trust your intuition right now, your feeling of the 'rightness' of things, you cannot go wrong. Your actions may appear 'foolish' to others, or even to yourself, if you try to analyze them with the rational mind. But the 'zero' place occupied by the Fool is the numberless number where trust and innocence are the guides, not skepticism and past experience

Only time will tell and I pray God that I am right!


Saturday, February 09, 2013



The New Moon in Aquarius occurs Sunday morning, February 10 at 2:20 am EST at 21 degrees. New moons mean a new cycle, new beginnings, and rebirth.

It is a time for starting fresh. You can set your intentions that grow with the lunar light and reach completion at Full Moon. A good idea is to write down these intentions on a piece of paper, being clear and specific about what you want.

Whatever has been absorbing your time and energy is coming to an end to clear the space for something new to begin. You will have the urge to break away from the conventional way to do things in your own unique way, expressing more of your individuality and freedom because the energy of Aquarius wants to innovate and create new means of expression without any barrier.

This New Moon, along with the Sun (also in Aquarius) will highlight the Aquarian qualities of intellect and forward-thinking, as well as friendships, social relationships, and the world at large. Because Aquarius is progressive, you may find yourself wanting to shake things up just a bit, adding a little more excitement to your day-to-day life.

As a general rule, it is a good idea to start something new (such as a new business venture, an acquisition, the signing of a contract, etc.) during a New Moon, giving your project a chance to grow and prosper. The choice of the sign in which the New Moon occurs is also important and should match the nature of your project. (i.e. for a financial venture, the sign of Taurus would be the be the most appropriate, for a real-estate deal the sign of Cancer, etc..).

Happy New Moon!

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Sunday, January 27, 2013



Femme, Fleur, déesse, Amour,

... Mots de tendresse, Mots du COEUR,

UNion Divine, Fleur épanouie,

Chants de l'Âme, Fusion Divine

Dans la douceur de tes vibrations

J'aime me lover

Ressentir tes énergies, tes caresses

De coeur à coeur invisibles

Rempli mon âme de Bonheur

Mon Amour, notre Amour est immortel

Pour l'Eternité, nous sommes UNifiées

Une si longue absence nous a séparées

De notre ORiginité primordiale

Il fut un temps des saisons, des néons

Notre JE SUIS Suprême,

En deux fut séparé,

Vint sur Terre pour vivre l'individualité.

Englobés dans la grise matière pendant des siècles

Perdues de vue, de vies en vies,

Cherchant sans répit, l'absence de l'autre,

Que notre Coeur ressentait.

Combler la séparatioin par l'imagination,

UN sublime cadeau, d'Ascension.

Nos âmes se sont retrouvées,

Loin des dualités humaines,

Purifiant nos coeurs, de tous les miasmes et croyances,

Fondre l'un dans l'autre, vivre dans l'Amour

Dans le bonheur de notre Âme UNifiée

De nouveau, nous sommes le couple solaire

Ayant transcendé dans l'Amour.

Ne faisant qu'UN dans le Coeur de l'ETERNEL,

Universelles, Immortelles, nous sommes

Vidéo création et poème : "Edite AvAnarah Israël"